zd@kasana:~$ whoami

I'm Abhishek Kasana, a programmer who thrives on untangling complexity and exploring the inner workings of systems.
My passion lies in operating systems, compilers, networking, and security engineering. I love diving deep into these areas to uncover their intricacies and drive innovation.

As a tinkerer at heart, I’m fascinated by how things work, whether it's a sophisticated piece of code or a new tech challenge. This curiosity fuels my creativity and problem-solving skills.
My blog features a series called "Under the Hood," where I simplify and decipher complex or cutting-edge systems I've built or encountered. It's my way of marking key insights and sharing the journey, both for myself and for others who share a similar curiosity.

zd@kasana:~$ history

  • 2018 / Present - Lead Software Developer - Cuemath - Bengaluru, India
  • 2017 - Software Developer Intern - Cuemath - Bengaluru, India

zd@kasana:~$ cat skills.md

zd@kasana:~$ cat Contact.md

You can find me on  Twitter, or email me at  abhishekasana@gmail.com